You might have seen a small, stooped old man, shuffling down the sidewalk…

hair disheveled, shirt buttoned wrong, shoes on the wrong feet…Here's what I saw...

Note Card: How Much is Not Visible to Him Who Thinks Truth is on the Surface?

Written on a 4x6 note card by Stan Julin.

[Blog Author's Note:  My father's use of left versus right is based on Matthew 25 and also on American politics.]

May 20, 2002
The Bible means what it says, and it means what it means.  Viewing the surface, one will be mystified by the curiosities of it.  The Bible is written to mystify the skeptic on the left hand and to disclose the mind of God to the open-hearted sinner on the right hand.  The prophet is a fool to the man on the left, but to the sinner on the right, his voice is thunder and his stature as of an angel of God.  To him on the left, the words are rubbish; to him on the right, each is a precious jewel to be stored away and to be brought out again and again to consider, ponder, and to amaze.  For behind each word there are stories and infinite depth of thought and promises and covenants and alliances and support...where shall we stop, where could we stop.  Here is truth!  Here is simplicity!  Here is liberty to be what one ought to be!

How much is not visible to the man who thinks it is all on the surface?

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