You might have seen a small, stooped old man, shuffling down the sidewalk…

hair disheveled, shirt buttoned wrong, shoes on the wrong feet…Here's what I saw...

Note Card: Safety Lies Not at a Distance

Written on a 4x6 note card by Stan Julin.

Date Unknown
When you're at the top, as God is, it can be very lonely, especially if you're a good guy.  Can't He sit in the sunshine and play with a cat too?  Or watch children play?  ...not to trivialize God.  He did mention playing with leviathan as a man would play with a bird[Also Psalm 104:26] What did He do on that one seventh day?  Does He take pleasure in us?

A Penny for Caleb's Thoughts

I wish to congratulate my son for taking 1st Runner Up in an Alzheimer's Foundation of America scholarship essay contest with almost 1800 participants.  His essay, entitled A Penny for Your Thoughts: A Jar of Memories, interweaves his favorite memory of his grandfather with his memories of the experience of losing his grandfather to Alzheimer's disease.  The essay is brilliantly written and marks Caleb as a writer to follow in the years to come.

Click here to read this essay.

Other things Caleb has written about his grandfather may be found here and here.

Note Card: WWJD

Written on a 4x6 note card by Stan Julin.

[Blog Author's Note:  What would Jesus do?  Walk on water.  What would Jesus do?  Drive out the money changers with a whip...doesn't mean you should try it.  The note card below is reflective of my own opinion on the trite little WWJD; so I will share it.  Others may think this best left unsaid.  They are welcome to that opinion, but if we redesign Christianity into a pop culture paradigm, the salt has lost its savor.  Christians will never do pop culture as well as the pagan world does it.]

June 14, 2001
WWJD?  Give me a break!  You do not know what Jesus would do, probably not what you want to convince me that he would do.  You have some screwy ideas, anyone who would ask WWJD; Jesus was too unpredictable to fit your scheme or mine.