You might have seen a small, stooped old man, shuffling down the sidewalk…

hair disheveled, shirt buttoned wrong, shoes on the wrong feet…Here's what I saw...

Audio Update

Note the addition of content to the Audio Visual Page.  The eulogies of Eric Julin and Timothy Pent have been added.

Note Card: The Manner of Scripture

Written on a 4x6 note card by Stan Julin.

Memorizing Isaiah 66, it struck me that the manner of scripture is not always information or instruction.  Sometimes it is the tossing to and fro of thoughts as one would have while sitting in a window on a rainy and windy day and sipping coffee with no rush, pondering a matter in a rare enlightened moment when thoughts come easily and quickly... 

Note Card: A Significant Kindness and a Prayer for My Sons

Written on a 4x6 note card by Stan Julin.

[Blog Author's Note:  There are three things that struck me about this short note card entry.  First, he recorded the exact date and time.  He frequently recorded the dates of his entries but not the times.  So the recording of the time is his indicator that his words mark a very significant event.  Second, I know that he was by that point in his life having some noticeable brain problems.  Indeed, the problems are evident in his writing (I have typed it exactly as he wrote it.)  Third, in spite of brain trouble, he was memorizing the 26th Chapter of Isaiah.  ("Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.")]

Wedneday, August 6, 2008  11:21 AM
Someone anonymous had the lady at the place where people get coffee + at Borders (had her) give me a card with the remark that I was a good guy.  I do not yet know $.$.  I guess he was moved that I am memorizing Isa 26  I am moved. - very much- to tears.

Note Card: We Are Not Dealing With Spiro Agnew Here

Written on a 4x6 note card by Stan Julin.

[Blog Author's Note:  I searched the Internet a for a little while, looking for what my father had in mind regarding Spiro Agnew.  I found several stories that could have been the source of my father's rather obscure reference to him but nothing that seemed to surely match his thinking.  Still, I thought the line made a good title.]

It will be a good idea to recommend letting [people's]minds wander as to what it will be like in eternity - in heaven.  No sitting on a cloud playing a harp - what did God save us to?  No seeing Jesus from a distance as he waves from the limousine - these are infirm thoughts of one who is used to this life - we are not dealing with Spiro Agnew here.

Audio Update

Note that I have added two of the songs from my father's memorial service to the Audio Visual Page.  I experienced some trepidation in doing so.  I do not think the sound system did a completely accurate job of recording them.  Nonetheless, for the time being at least, they are there.

Twenty Minutes On a Swing

Something has been leering at me through my kitchen window for the last few days.  It sits in my back yard and beckons to my thoughts every time it falls within my line of vision.  The last time it caught my attention was at 2:30 this morning, when I got out of bed and went to the kitchen for a glass of water.  There it was, its light color visible just outside the window despite the moonless night.  I went back to bed.

It is now 3:15 AM, and I am back out of bed, sitting in my living room, writing my thoughts on a piece of paper.  The significance of the view out my kitchen window passed from my subconscious to my conscious mind about the time I tried to go back to sleep.  Forty minutes later, it was evident that sleep would come after I had committed my thinking to paper.

The object that leers at me from the back yard is a yard swing, a plain and simple bench swing suspended from an A frame, the likes of which can be procured from the garden department at any Wal-Mart or Target in the United States.  Purchased in March of this year, it was a birthday gift for Marci, requested by her not only because she knew she would enjoy having it but also because it occurred to her that my parents, particularly my father, might enjoy it.  She was correct in that assessment, and my father whiled away many hours on that swing.

We are right now in the midst of those months which, in Florida, are unpleasant for sitting outside; so the swing has a cover over it and has not recently been used.  But I know exactly when I last sat on that swing.  It was May 16th of this year, beginning at about 8:00 PM.